Spring Yoga with Steven Cheng

cheng yoga

Kickstart Spring 2021 with yoga on the sun deck at 50 Regent.  Enjoy the panoramic views and fresh air as we flow through organic movements accented by mindful alignment.  This is a free-form dynamic yoga practice balancing strength with flexibility.  Appropriate for all levels but note class levels are designated on the schedule.

***Mask-wearing is optional on the sun deck but still encouraged.***

***When the weather is poor, we will hold classes in the Observatory.  Mask-wearing will then be mandatory.***


Dates and Times:

Saturdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24

9:00-10:00am is Open Flow (Level 1 and 2)

10:30-11:30am is Basics (Level 1)

Sundays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

9:00-10:00am is Int/Adv Lab (Level 2 and 3)

10:30-11:30am is Open Flow (Level 1 and 2)

***Note the Zoom classes are all free for the Easter weekend relaunch on April 3 and 4.***


Where:  50 Regent, Sun Deck and Observatory (11th Floor)

Cost:  $18 for in-person class and $15 for streaming on Zoom


Preregistration required because of limited capacity for social distancing.  No walk-ins.


How to register:  Preregistration for both in-person and Zoom must be done through Ubindi.  This is a platform to manage registrations and payments.  First-time users will have to register.  This process takes a few minutes, so please go through this with plenty of time before class starts.  Visit https://app.ubindi.com/Steven.Cheng to begin.

Alternatively, go to Steven Cheng’s website www.simhayoga.com.  Click the Register button on the schedule.  This will bring you directly to Ubindi.  Ubindi will send you a confirmation email after you register successfully.  For those taking Zoom, a reminder email with the link will be sent again 15min before start time.  Click the link and you will go directly to Zoom’s Waiting Room.  Arrive at least 5min before start time and you will be admitted shortly.


Bring:  Yoga mat, Water, Towel, Sunscreen, Mask


Steven Cheng is an experienced yoga teacher whose signature is mixing classical yoga postures with modern interpretations. Take a glimpse into who Steven is:

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/simha-yoga-lab-jersey-city?osq=simha+yoga+lab

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKuezzrCNK0_G0WaC9T5sqw


Questions? RSVP@libertyharbor.com


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Wednesday, December 13th 2017 6:30 PM


Please contribute a new toy or game, wrapped or unwrapped. If wrapped, please indicate what is inside, or the gender and age group of the gift.

Two ways to donate:

1. Drop off the gift to any concierge at 9, 30 or 50 Regent.

2. Bring it to our annual Holiday Party, December 13th.

Suggested Gifts (New toys only please, for a child 14 years and under):

Puzzles, Books, Markers, Crayons or Colored Pencils, Stuffed Animals, Hot Wheels, Board Games, Journals, Play-Doh, Books, Interactive Crib Toys, Action Figures, Craft and Bead Kits, LEGO Sets, Gift Cards, Brain Teasers, Sports/ Outdoor Items, MP3 Player, Camera

Liberty Harbor is proud to be working with the Jersey City Fire Department to collect gifts for underprivileged children in Jersey City.

Started in 1992, the Jersey City Fire Department Christmas Fund Drive was renamed in 2014 to honor former Jersey City Fire Captain and brave first-responder Mark V. Lee Sr. who passed away from respiratory problems developed at Ground Zero. The Capt. Mark V. Lee Sr. JC Toy Fund is continued by his son, Mark Lee Jr. and the JCFD.

The fund distributes thousands of toys across Jersey City every year to underprivileged children.

Questions: rsvp@libertyharbor.com