The Best, Most Beautiful Hikes around Jersey City

best hikes in and around jersey city

As the humid days of summer begin to cool down, we return to the outdoors. Fall hiking around Jersey City brings together the best of many worlds. Spend time with family, take in the changing foliage and social distance with a friend. Because of our great location, we have access to a variety of options. Choose from morning or afternoon hikes around Jersey City or day trips to exciting trails. Read on to find how you can enjoy some fall hikes even before it’s officially fall. 

Best Hikes Near Jersey City for Families

It’s been a challenging year since the Coronavirus outbreak in late winter. Outdoor activities and exercise have been lifesavers for so many of us now spending more time in our homes. Getting everyone outside after much screen time is key to wellbeing. Try these local favorites with your kids. 

Liberty State Park – Folks of all ages love to walk along the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway trail. Enjoy a perfect view of NYC, a nature center and the 9/11 memorial. Also, check out the park’s Facebook page for fall events, virtual and in-person.

Cheesequake State Park – Enjoy a 4.5-mile hike around Hooks Creek Lake and Perrine Pond. Kids love hiking from the forest to the salt marshes. Since the area is only 40 minutes from Jersey City, you can be spontaneous in your plans. 

Watchung Reservation – Plan your day trip virtually before you visit the beauty that is Watchung. Sites and sounds will delight families and provide a beautiful backdrop for changing colors of fall. History buff? Discover historic trails where you can learn about early uses of the area land. The reservation also has activities like horseback riding and biking. 

For the Leaf Peepers

The fall foliage will be another welcome change in season this year. If you know the best spots, you can plan around the weather for some stunning views of nature. Check these parks out, especially if you’ve never gone before.

Palisades Interstate Park – For a gorgeous and panoramic view of the Hudson River, visit State Line Lookout. Look for critters in nearby Greenbrook Sanctuary and enjoy a choice of four picnic areas. Boat basins and historic sites provide fun options for a lovely day away.

Hacklebarney State Park – The Black River gorge offers cool relief from late summer heat. The fall foliage in this area is known to be particularly gorgeous because of its proximity to water. The Rinehard and Trout Brooks also contribute to the sounds and scenery of this hiking area. The combination of grey boulders and green hemlocks is portrait-worthy.

Ramapo Mountain State Forest – Hikers can mix and match trails based on ability and interest. And every path through over 4,000 acres of forest affords a impressive view of fall color. Some trails even showcase the New York skyline in the background. 

Exhilarating Hikes – Not for the Faint of Heart

Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area – Over 1,500 acres of rugged country and a variety of terrain to choose from. Hikers love the glacial formations like Tripod Rock, or tons of fields and trails through wetlands. Tie up your hiking boots and bring your appetite. Afterwards you can stop by the Visitor Center to look through some interactive exhibits. 

Worthington State Forest – This rocky terrain provides an amazing hiking experience but make sure you wear your hiking boots. This challenging course is great for kids and adults alike. You’ll enjoy great views of Delaware Water Gap and Sunfish Pond. 

Hiking around Jersey City is one of the best ways to feel at peace with nature. We need this escape now more than ever! As late summer turns to fall, set aside time for you and your family. You’ll feel refreshed and focused. Finally, check out some new hiking gear to help you get motivated and set aside time in your busy schedule. 

Back to School Routines during Covid

corona mask

As the country goes back to school this fall, it’s safe to say we’ve never had a year like this one. Usually, summer’s end brings familiar routines to children and adults alike—everyone involved in education. But this year, we’re all being asked to do new routines because of the Covid pandemic. If you’re feeling a bit uneasy about settling into new routines involving remote, hybrid or even fully in-person learning, read on. We have all the best tips for returning to school for fall 2020.

Back to School Routines During Covid

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone’s lives in a multitude of ways. For Jersey City residents and everyone across the U.S., one of the biggest concerns has been how we can safely return to school. If you have a child in the school system, or you are employed in a school district, you’re already back to school as you read this. One of the best ways to stay informed is to visit these resources with local information. 

  • Jersey City Coronavirus Resources – Access information like up-to-date numbers in your area and testing sites. Also includes general information like Covid-19 facts and what to do if you have symptoms.  
  • JC Families Coronavirus Updates – Always with a families-centered focus, this site has the latest on social- and living-related happenings. 

Tips for Successful Remote Learning

While most of the country was thrown into a remote or distance learning situation last spring, many districts opted for it this fall. Most others provided families an option to choose whether or not to send their children in. So how do you create the best new routines for remote learning for your kids this fall? 

  • Set a reasonable schedule – This should allow for adequate sleep time, off screen time and transition time. 
  • Create a learning environment – If at all possible, give your child his or her own space away from distractions. There are so many ways for your family to personalize a space, you can have a lot of fun with it. 
  • Get to know the school resources – These will vary depending on your child’s age, learning style and needs. Connect with the school and find out what you can about what programs and platforms they use. Make use of parent portals and ask questions when something is new to your family. 
  • Allow kids to connect with peers – These connections could be interest or subject related. In this Covid world, collaboration has taken on a new meaning with social distancing. Check out some of these innovative collaboration tools for brainstorming, media creation or just hanging out. 

New Routines for In-School Learning 

If you’ve seen images on social media or you’re involved at a school, you know that classes look different this year. Teachers, administrators and staff have been working hard to create new policies and procedures. The following are tips to help make the new way of life smooth and easy on families. 

  • Find the best masks for you – We began spring with many people making masks at home, in an effort to cope with the burgeoning pandemic. Over time, various companies have emerged with masks of all types and materials. When it comes to masks for kids, this is a list of the best ones that they’ll actually wear. 
  • Regular hand sanitizing – Most public and private institutions provide plenty of access to soap in restrooms and gel hand sanitizer. Experts still contend there is nothing better than a good hand washing with soap and water. But these hand sanitizers are available for your backpacks, cars and other times when you can’t get to soap. 
  • School storage – Most schools have ditched the locker idea for 2020. Kids huddled together between classes just doesn’t work with social distancing guidelines. This means that having a great backpack is essential. You’ll want something that easily carries a laptop or tablet, and any supplies since sharing is off the table. Plus, any food or snacks you want to send to school will likely be kept in the pack.  

Managing Stress and Staying Well

New routines and Covid worries can be exhausting for the whole family. Since March, the way we socialize has been altered, which causes some people to feel isolated and sad. Here’s some easy ways to infuse self-care and family wellness into your life.

  • Set aside time for family meals – Sitting down together for a formal meal isn’t something that many families can do on a nightly basis. Work schedules, homework and extracurricular activities often result in grab-and-go dinners. But connecting with each other is more important than ever before. Plus, many schools have put the brakes on activities like sports for the time being. Even if you just set aside a couple times a week for families to gather, you’ll see the benefits
  • Get outside – Exercise, fresh air and open spaces are vital for everyone right now. Whether the kids are distance learning or in school, they have an even greater need for time away from screens. Consider going on a family hike as the leaves begin to change. 
  • Revamp your sleep habits – Sleep quality and quantity have both suffered for many people since the start of the Covid spikes in late winter. Kids and adults alike are spending more time on video games, social media and screens in general. Try to unplug in the evening and re-examine how much sleep children and adults should get.  
  • Practice mindfulness – Despite our ramped-up and stressed out developments of 2020, there continues to be opportunities for mindfulness. In fact, wellness trends have increased widely in recent years and months. Find the right fit for you in an online yoga class, a meditation app or beginning a gratitude journal.  
  • Eat smart – Too many of us experienced the “quarantine 15” earlier this year when stress and long hours at home led to weight gain. Try to make eating healthy fun and easy at home. If kids are learning at home, these meal ideas will be a hit. If your children are headed into school, experiment with new snack ideas

Adjusting to a global pandemic is no easy task. It can be especially challenging when you have kids in school or families going in different directions. But the last few months have brought out the best in lots of people, and innovative new ways of going about everyday life. When your new back to school routines become habit, your family will find their resilience.